Sunday, January 2, 2011

2 months ago......

It was two months ago today that we first learned about Rafael. What an amazing day that was!!! I hate not to be with him already as he is changing so much everyday and we are missing it. I learned that over Christmas he started walking but he is still wobbly. I would have loved to see him take his first steps but there will be so many other firsts we will get to share in. We can't wait!!

His medical is only 11 days away. The countdown is on. We're just hoping and praying that all goes well and things move along quickly. I've heard a huge range of timeframes from the medical appointment to the call to travel. As quickly as one week and as long as eight weeks or even longer!! I'm really hoping that we can travel in February so everyone please keep your fingers crossed for us.

Happy New Year's to everyone and hopefully this is the year many of you are matched with your children and bring them home. I know that this year is going to be a busy, fun filled and totally amazing year for us and I'm so glad that it's finally starting!!!! We'll soon be packing our bags!!!


Agnes said...

Hang in there mama!!! Soon, you will have your sweet sweet boy in your arms!!! You're always in my prayers!!!!!!!

Katie said...

Renee, it won't be long now!!! I can't wait for you to travel and meet that sweet little boy!!!

The dB family said...

I am so excited for you guys! I truly hope January goes quick and that we can all travel in February. Keeping you in prayer!


Stefani B. said...

Hello, Sorry, you don't know me. My husband and are are just getting started with an adoption. Philippines is high on our list, because my husband lived there for 2 years. I've found a lot online about Ethiopian adoption timelines, but not much about how long the process takes for the Philippines. Would you mind sending me some information? I know things vary, but just an example from you would be helpful! Thanks!
Stefani Bailey (